Get a 30-Day Trial of SwiftComp or VABS
Please complete one of the forms below to request a free trial and we will process your request (1-3 business days). We have desktop Windows, desktop Linux, and cloud versions available. Cloud Trial Licenses are great for academic use due to 24/7 access to the software, however, the Desktop Trial Licenses are more convenient if you (1) want to use the latest version or (2) plan to interface with third party software programs (i.e. Abaqus, Ansys, NASTRAN, etc.).
In order for us to provide you with a Commercial Desktop Trial License, we ask that you commit to two 30-minute meetings. The first meeting will be at the beginning of the trial period and we’ll discuss the problem you are trying to solve, how best to approach it with our software, what success looks like, and help with the install. The second meeting will be at the end of the trial to confirm success and discuss next steps. We’ll also check in periodically by email during the trial. We do these because we’ve found it gives you the best chance to be successful with the software.
Commercial Trial License (Company, Government, Military)
For the desktop version, we ask you to commit to two 30-minute meetings to help maximize your success with the code (one at the beginning and one at the end of the trial period).
Academic Trial License & SAMPE Student Contests
Current faculty, students, and university researchers, as well as SAMPE Student Contest Participants. For the desktop version, we ask you to provide your professor or advisor’s name and email to help current verify your status at the university.
Learn more about our software

SwiftComp is a revolutionary multiscale composite modeling code that quickly and easily delivers the accuracy of 3D FEA at the efficiency of simple engineering models. SwiftComp provides unified modeling for 1D (beams), 2D (plates/shells), or 3D structures, calculating all the effective properties.

VABS is a uniquely powerful approach to modeling composite blades and other slender structures (beams). VABS reduces analysis time from hours to seconds by quickly and easily achieving the accuracy of detailed 3D FEA with the efficiency of simple engineering models.