Research & Development at AnalySwift
SBIR, STTR, and Other Projects
AnalySwift has been awarded ten SBIR/STTR contracts and been subcontractor on one M-STTR since 2019 to leverage advantages of its unique advanced materials modeling approach to meet the next generation simulation needs of federal agencies. Our approach has made AnalySwift’s codes good candidates for improving simulation of composites, and we have worked with NASA, US Air Force, US Army, and US Navy. In doing so, we have improved simulation of advanced air mobility components, such as rotor blades and beams, flex beams for helicopters and other rotorcraft, as well as advanced materials such as high strain composites, thin-ply composites, and hybrid material systems commonly used in space and aerospace structures. AnalySwift has partnered with universities such as Purdue University, University of Central Florida, University of Texas at Arlington, Penn State University, University of Tennessee Knoxville, Weber State University, and Brigham Young University to complete these contracts. Below is a brief summary of each award. Please contact us if you have questions, an interest in partnering, or a project on which we could participate.
In-Space Disassembly and Assembly of Thermoplastic Composite Structures with Embedded Carbon Nano-Heaters (2024, Phase I)
- Collaborating with Purdue University. More details to be announced.
Design Tools for Advanced Tailorable Composites (2023, Phase II)
- Collaborating with Purdue University and University of Texas Arlington. More details can be found here.
Tool for Thermomechanical Design of Tailorable Composites and Hybrid Material Systems (2022, Phase I)
- Collaborating with Purdue University and University of Texas Arlington. More details can be found here.
An Ultra-Efficient High-fidelity Tool for Thermomechanical Design of Tailorable Composites (2022, M-STTR, Phase I)
- Collaborating with University of Texas Arlington. More details are to be announced.
Design Tools for Advanced Tailorable Composites (2021, Phase I)
- Collaborating with Purdue University and University of Texas Arlington. More details can be found here.
Modeling Nonlinear Viscoelasticity and Time-Dependent Yielding of Thin-Ply Composites (2020, Phase I)
- Collaborating with Purdue University and University of Central Florida. More details can be found here.
Efficient High-Fidelity Modeling of High Strain Thin-Ply Composites (2019, Phase I)
- Collaborating with Purdue University. More details can be found here.
US Army
Rapid Aeroservoelastic Design Framework for Morphing Unmanned Aerial Systems (RADMUAS) (2022, Phase I)
- Collaborating with Penn State University, University of Texas Arlington, and University of Tennessee Knoxville. More details can be found here.
US Air Force
Machine Learning-aided Multiscale Modeling of Fatigue Damage in Composite Structures (2022, Phase I)
- Collaborating with Purdue University and University of Texas Arlington. More details are to be announced.
Integrated computational blades engineering for rapid insertion into advanced air mobility/urban air mobility/eVTOL vehicles (2020, Phase I)
- Collaborating with Weber State University, Brigham Young University, UAMMI (Utah Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Initiative), and Hexcel. More details can be found here.
US Navy
An efficient high-fidelity Abaqus-based toolset with significantly improved durability predictive capabilities for composite flexbeams (2019, Phase I)
- Collaborating with Purdue University. More details can be found here.
Related News Stories:
- NASA project with Purdue and University of Texas Arlington to develop a computer design tool to unlock the full potential of next-gen composite materials (advanced tailorable composites and hybrid material systems) (2022)
- NASA project with Purdue University and University of Texas Arlington to develop an efficient high-fidelity design tool for advanced tailorable composites (2021)
- NASA to help AnalySwift, UCF, and Purdue with modeling nonlinear viscoelasticity and time-dependent yielding of thin-ply composites (2020)
- NASA to help fund AnalySwift, Purdue technology shown to speed design of composite deployable structures (2019)
- U.S. Air Force funds AnalySwift effort to improve composite rotor blade design analysis capabilities for advanced air mobility (AAM), urban air mobility (UAM), eVTOL, etc. (2020)
- Navy to help fund AnalySwift, Purdue technology to improve service life of helicopters (2019)