We at AnalySwift are deeply saddened to announce the passing of Prof. Dewey Hodges. Prof. Hodges was one of the foremost aerospace researchers of his generation and we were honored to have him [...]
New Capabilities for Calculating Strength and Safety of Cross Sections under Given Loads West Lafayette, Indiana (USA) – AnalySwift, LLC, a provider of efficient high-fidelity [...]
Software to accelerate development and adoption of new materials for manufacturing by predicting effects of porosity level on strength West Lafayette, Indiana (USA) – AnalySwift, LLC, a [...]
Contract funds effort to extend cutting-edge helicopter blade simulation software to the composite blades used in the rapidly expanding Advanced Air Mobility, ORB market West Lafayette, Indiana [...]
Project explores advantages of large-scale rotors with innovative, highly flexible blades West Lafayette, Indiana (USA) – AnalySwift, LLC, a provider of efficient high-fidelity modeling [...]