SwiftComp Software Featured in CompositesWorld Article on High Strain Composites
AnalySwift is pleased to be featured in an article published on CompositesWorld’s website. The article and case study highlight deployable structures firm Roccor and its use of SwiftComp for modeling high strain composites (HSC). The full article can be viewed here, and it is scheduled to appear in print in the December issue of CompositesWorld.
Roccor licensed SwiftComp to help improve accuracy in predictions of certain properties, including thermal expansion. According to the article, “Roccor conducted a case study comparing the coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) predictions vs an average test result of a particular laminate. Figure 1 compares CTE predictions using classical laminate theory and SwiftComp. The figure shows the classical prediction is not only significantly off from the test result but it predicts a positive CTE when the actual CTE is slightly negative. The figure also shows that the SwiftComp prediction is well within the error bounds of the test average.”
The CompositesWorld article also states that, “According to Roccor, SwiftComp provides support for both elastic and thermal properties but while most codes stop at the laminate level, SwiftComp scales to provide effective beam and plate properties generated from complex cross-sections. These features, along with tight FEA code integration, have allowed Roccor to develop computationally efficient workflows to solve challenging engineering problems.”

Figure 1: This case study compares the coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) predictions with classical laminate theory vs SwiftComp vs an average test result of a particular laminate.