AnalySwift Announces SwiftComp Micromechanics
AnalySwift is pleased to announce that the VAMUCH code is now SwiftComp Micromechanics, available exclusively through AnalySwift. SwiftComp cuts computing cost as a general-purpose micromechanics tool for homogenization of heterogeneous materials, calculating the complete set of material properties within one analysis. As a versatile micromechanics tool, SwiftComp can save orders of magnitude in engineering time for composite structures and materials.
Micromechanics cuts computing cost as a general-purpose micromechanics
tool for homogenization of heterogeneous materials, calculating the SwiftComp Micromechanics cuts computing cost as a general-purpose micromechanics tool for homogenization of heterogeneous materials, calculating the complete set of material properties within one analysis.
complete set of material properties within one analysis.